donderdag 24 februari 2011

Claerbout met 'De tijd die blijft' in Wiels tot 15 mei 2011

Het Brusselse Centrum voor Hedendaagse Kunst - Wiels - zet elk jaar een Belgische kunstenaar in de kijker. Deze keer is het de beurt aan David Claerbout. De bezoekers krijgen er een overzicht van wat de videokunstenaar over een periode van vijftien jaar gecreëerd heeft.

Taste My Photons 6 March – 17 April

Ruth van Beek, Wim Bosch, Bert Danckaert, Elspeth Diederix, Eric Jan van de Geer, Michael John Whelan, Sabrina Jung, Astrid Korntheuer en Ingo Mittelstaedt

Noorderlicht is known for its penetrating, socially engaged exhibitions. For Taste my photons... attention shifts to the photographic medium itself – in a most unexpected way. In this work by nine photographers reality is so hemmed in that only an artificial and fragile construction remains. The apparently formal and abstract images do not give anything away easily; on the contrary, their feigned detachment invites the viewer into keener looking and discovery. Taste my Photons... is an argument for the profundity of the slow gaze.

Metropolis - City Life in the urban age

Calls for Submissions

METROPOLIS City Life in the Urban Age
Noorderlicht has already received a great number of entries after our first call for the 2011 Photofestival. If you still wish to participate please send us your work before 31 March.

David Seymour (Chim)

David Seymour (Chim) - Een humanistisch fotograaf
verlengd tot 27 maart 2011

David Seymour (Chim) had niet gekozen voor het beroep van fotograaf. Een reeks toevalligheden en noodwendigheden hebben hem tot zijn ware roeping gebracht. In de schaduw van Robert Capa en Henri Cartier-Bresson heeft hij nooit de erkenning gekregen die hij verdient.

Uit zijn oeuvre blijkt verdraagzaamheid, humanisme, politieke inzet en medeleven voor het menselijk wezen. Chim onderscheidt zich door zijn merkwaardige techniek. Zonder binnen te dringen in de  ziel van zijn onderwerpen leeft hij met ze mee, vertelt hij hun wedervaren en schetst hij de sfeer van hun leefwereld.

Chim stamt uit een joods gezin uit Warschau. In 1931 trekt hij naar Parijs en gaat er aan de slag bij fotoagentschappen. Het Front Populaire en daarna zijn ontmoeting met Capa en Cartier-Bresson betekenen de start van zijn carrière. Bij het uitbreken van de Spaanse burgeroorlog  maakt hij reportages waarin hij het opneemt voor de Republikeinen.

Bij het begin van de tweede wereldoorlog neemt hij zijn intrek in de Verenigde Staten. Hij leidt een fotolaboratorium te New York en lijft in bij het Amerikaanse leger in 1942. Zijn taak bestaat erin luchtfoto’s te interpreteren voor de inlichtingendiensten.

In 1947 neemt hij deel aan de oprichting van het agentschap Magnum. Chim werkt onverdroten. De bestellingen vloeien toe, o.m. voor zijn reportage over de kinderen in Europa in opdracht  van Unicef. Hij bereist meer bepaald Griekenland en Italië. Hij publiceert een boek over het Vaticaan, maakt een reportage over het analfabetisme in Calabrië en raakt bekend in het kunstenaarsmilieu met zijn portretten van  bekende personen. Vanaf 1951 reist hij elk jaar naar de nieuwe Staat Israël  waar hij foto’s vol tederheid en sympathie maakt.

Op 10 november 1956 , na het staakt  het staakt-het-vuren dat een einde maakt aan de Suezoorlog, komt Chim om het leven door  kogels uit Egyptische mitrailletten.

De tentoonstelling toont het oeuvre van een groot fotograaf en ook originele en onuitgegeven beelden van Chim, Capa en Gerda Tavo die teruggevonden werden in de roemruchte “Mexicaanse reiskoffer".

 Joods Museum van België - Miniemenstraat, 21 - 1000 Brussel - 02 512 19 63

Orthodox Eros by Lea Golda Holterman

Lauréate de Photo Folio Review and gallery à Arles en 2009, la série Orthodox Eros révèle l’intimité des juifs orthodoxes. Au travers de son regard s’ouvre une nouvelle réflexion sur l’identité la communauté traditionaliste et pieuse.

Du 19 mars au 7 mai 2011
108, Chaussée de Charleroi, 1060 Brussels - 025378136 - Ma-Sa 14-19h -

Galerie Verhaeren

Du 2 au 29 mars 2011 - Vernissage le mardi 1er mars à 18 heures

Yves et Nathalie GEORGE « Entre mer désert : Oman et Emirats»
 Les pays du Golfe ne se résument pas aux vues traditionnelles de villes-champignons et de projets mégalomanes.  Dans les dunes qui bordent le Rub al-Khali (le « désert des déserts »), dans les montagnes entre les Emirats et Oman ou au Sultanat d’Oman, les deux photographes voyageurs ont capté l’attachement des habitants à leurs traditions ainsi que la splendeur des paysages montagneux et des côtes.

José LOPEZ « Rencontres ardennaises »
José Lopez, photographe indépendant tourné vers le graphisme, poursuit en outre un travail de photographe animalier.  Passionné par la nature, en compagnie d’un ami ornithologue, il capte sur le vif des scènes rares.  Mais son intérêt pour la nature en Ardenne lui a récemment fait découvrir un autre sujet … les gens.

Galerie Verhaeren :
rue Gratès 7 - 1170 Bruxelles
Tél 02 662 16 99 - tél et fax 02 673 87 17 et
Ouvert du mercredi au samedi de 14 à 18 heures, et le dimanche de 10 à 13heures . Entrée libre.

Hungry Eyes 09.02.11 - 05.06.11

Tony Le Duc
Valérie Belin
Dimitri Tsykalov

In het voorjaar van 2011 prikkelt het FoMu meer dan enkel ‘the eye’: drie fotografen benaderen ‘food’ op een totaal andere manier.
Tony Le Duc (B) toont zijn omvangrijk oeuvre van maar liefst 25 jaar culinaire fotografie ondersteund een historisch overzicht van het geïllustreerde kookboek.
De Russische kunstenaar Dimitri Tsykalov, die in Parijs woont en werkt, creëert vanitas symbolen uit overrijp fruit en drijft het concept van vergankelijkheid tot het uiterste wanneer hij geweren tot leven brengt met dood vlees.
Het thema Food komt in verschillende reeksen van Valérie Belin (F) aan bod. De objecten worden zo gefotografeerd dat ze hun status als ‘ding’ lijken te verliezen. De expositie toont hoe Belin die transformatie verbluffend in beeld brengt bij bijvoorbeeld een fruitmand of een zakje chips.


Ongewone plekjes in Belgïe

The Epson International Pano Awards 2011

he EPSON International Pano Awards is dedicated to the art of panoramic photography. Advances in digital photography and software such as PTGui and Adobe Photoshop has resulted in an explosion in the popularity of image stitching, especially in the panoramic format. Panoramic film photography also remains alive and well.
The EPSON Pano Awards showcases the work of panoramic photographers worldwide and is the largest and most important competition for panoramic photography.
Professional and amateur photographers around the world are invited to enter The 2011 EPSON International Photographic Pano Awards to compete for over $20,000 in cash and prizes.
Contest Prize & TERMS
Prize Details: Over US$20,000 in cash and prizes…details to be announced shortly.
Eligibility: All photographers, panoramic images only
Copyright: The EPSON International Pano Awards recognizes that you retain full ownership of the copyright in each entry. Our sponsors, including Epson do NOT assume rights of use.
Usage Rights: Display of winning and highest scoring images, and promotion of the competition ONLY.
Deadline: 15th April 2011
Entry Fee: US$16 Amateur, US$18 Open, discounts for multiple entries
Prize: Over US$20,000 in cash and prizes
Official website:

Px3 Photography Competition 2011

The “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” (Px3) strives to promote the appreciation of photography, to discover emerging talent, and introduce photographers from around the world to the artistic community of Paris. Winning photographs from this competition are displayed in Paris and published in the high-quality, full-color Px3 Annual Book.
Book Proposals
Fine Art
Px3 Photographer of the Year
Both professional and non-professional photographers compete for the top award, the Px3 Photographer of the Year and 3,000 Euros. The winner’s work is publicized internationally, receives the spotlight at all events, is exhibited in Paris, and published in the Px3 Annual Book.
Px3 Best New Talent (Non-Professionals and Students Only)
Non-professional photographers compete for the Px3 Best New Talent Award and 2,000 Euros. The winner’s work is publicized and exhibited in Paris and published in the Px3 Annual Book.
Certificates in all Categories
All 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from both the professional and non-professional categories will receive a Px3 certificate, personalized press release, and a Px3 winner’s logo for professional purposes.
Honorable Mentions
Px3 judges award several Certificates of Honorable Mention to both professional and non-professional entries to acknowledge talent as they deem fit.
Public Choice Awards
39,481 votes were tallied in the first annual Prix de la Photographie Paris. The names of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Subcategory Public Choice Winners are listed in the Px3 Annual Book.
Entry fees cover the cost of administration and promotion.
To make Px3 globally accessible, Px3 discounts entry fees for certain countries.
Professional Photographers
$30 for each photograph entered
$50 for each series (2-5 images with a unifying theme) or book
Same photograph or series, additional category: $25 per category
Non-professional and Student Photographers
$20 per photograph entered
$40 for each series (2-5 images with a unifying theme)
Same photograph or series, additional category: $15 per category
Deadline: March 31st, 2011

“The Beauty Around Us” Call for Entries

Submit your work to be featured in the book The Beauty Around Us and win B&H gift certificates or equivalent cash.
Theme: The Beauty Around Us
Both color and black and white (including duotones, toned, and all kind of alternative processes) will be accepted to be screened. All kind of processes, including digital manipulation will be accepted.
* Best Image of Show (to be featured in the book cover): $ 500 B&H gift certificate or equivalent cash.
* Runner up (to be featured in the book back cover) $ 300 B&H gift certificate or equivalent cash.
Email Images composing the series
There’s is no entry fee to submit your series to the first screening, and you must submit a minimum of 3 images and can submit up to 12 images.
Image specifications: File extension: jpg, Size: minimum of 800 and maximum of 1200 pixels in the largest sid, Resolution: 72 dpi, Jpeg compression (quality): 7 or 8 in RGB Profile.
Copyright: All images featured in the book will be also posted in the online WonderPick Gallery for one year, as well as all images that have been selected in the second screening. Submtted photographs may be reproduced for the purpose of marketing and promoting WPGA contests and awards.
Eligibility: Open to all photographers, worldwide.
Entry fee: First screening is free. Second screening: $45 the first 3 images accepted; $10 each additional image accepted.
Entry deadline: 15 March 2011
Official website:

Leica announces Oskar Barnack Award 2011

Press Release:
Invitation to submit entries for the ‘Leica Oskar Barnack Award’ photographic competition
Solms, Germany (January 12, 2011) - Leica Camera AG invites professional photographers to submit entries to the ‘Leica Oskar Barnack Award,’ an international photography competition. Photographers wishing to take part may submit their entries online from January 15, 2011 to March 1, 2011 at This year, the value of the competition prizes has significantly increased, with the award winner receiving their own piece of Leica history.
For the first time, the winner of the ‘Leica Oskar Barnack Award’ will receive a Leica M9 camera and a lens worth 9,500 euros (approximately $12,300) in addition to a cash prize of 5,000 euros (approximately $6,500). For the ‘Newcomer Award,’ open to all (aspiring) professional photographers aged 25 and under, the award has also been increased. The winner will receive a Leica M9 camera and a lens.
Competition entry conditions: An international jury awards the ‘Leica Oskar Barnack Award’ / ‘Leica Oskar Barnack Newcomer Award’ to photographers whose unerring powers of observation capture and express the relationship between humans and the environment in graphic form in a sequence of up to 12 images. Entry submissions must be a self-contained series of images in which the photographer perceives and documents the interaction between humans and the environment with acute vision and contemporary visual style – creative, unobtrusive and groundbreaking.
The competition is a memorial to Oskar Barnack (1879–1936), the inventor of the Leica. From 1914 on, he increasingly used the prototype camera he developed, today known as the Ur-Leica, for photography. The history of photojournalism is closely tied to his invention, as, beginning in 1925, the compact and easily carried Leica cameras were instrumental in enabling entirely new and expressive forms of photography.
The terms and conditions of entry can be downloaded at

Be Inspired – Photo Competition

Win with your interpretation of Dr. János Szász’s amazing photography
An unexpected find from Pécs, Hungary is the estate of Dr. János Szász who lived and worked as a productive and inspirational photographer for most of his life. The oeuvre was discovered due to the Pécs – European Capital of Culture 2010 year, and represents the perhaps most important artistic discovery of the event! Hungarian photography has always been world class (just think of Brassai, Kertesz, Moholy-Nagy and many more), now you are invited to show your reaction!
Your reflecting photograph should somehow connect with the original. How so is completely up to you!
Quickly check out the János Szász collection of 40 pictures below. Pick the one(s) that inspire(s) you and get to work. Take your own picture inspired by Dr Szász. Send it in!
Send one photo only (for now, not larger than 2 MBs) via e-mail to: In your entry e-mail, please include a small explanation (cca 150 words) on how you believe your photo connects with the original Szasz image, and your phone number. The subject of the e-mail shall read: SZASZ – OPEN CALL – YOUR NAME.
An amazing visit to Pecs and Villany’s Ordogkatlan Festival (situated in the heart of wonderful Hungarian wine country) this August (5-8 August, 2010) for the open-air exhibition of images from the open call – including yours!
The trip will include return plane tickets to Budapest, return 1st class train tickets to Pecs and transfer to the Festival and back. It will also include accomodation for 4 nights. Additionally the winner will have a chance to participate in art workshops with Gyor’s Mediawave Group and meet the relevant figures of the Hungarian art society. A little extra: one night stay in Budapest upon arrival or departure and a tour through Mai Mano House – Hungarian House of Photography.
Award-winning images will be part of the Hungarian Cultural Centre’s János Szász Exhibition in London, Covent Garden starting 13 May 2010 and finishing 8 June 2010.
In addition, selected images will be printed and exhibited during the open-air Ordogkatlan Festival in one of its most frequented locations (5-8 August, 2010).
The above material will also be part of the Pécs – European Capital of Culture 2010 events by participating in an open-air exhibition in the city during this summer.

The Gala Awards 2nd Edition Black & White Contest

Traditional, contemporary, avant-garde, creative and experimental works that include old and new processes, mixed techniques, and challenging personal, emotional or political statements will be welcome. Digital or traditional photography or combinations of both are accepted, as well as toned images.
* The first prize will consists in a cash prize of $ 1,000.
* Winner, Runners up and Honorable Mentions will be featured in the the second issue of the paper-based WonderPick Magazine.
Categories: Animals and Wildlife; Architecture; Digital Enhanced; Nature, Flowers; Still Life; Abstract, Patterns and Textures; Landscape; Seascape and Underwater; Silhouette; Nude and Figure;. Children; Citiscapes and Street Photography; Culture, People, Travel; Sports; Performing Arts; Portrait; Editorial, Photojournalism and Documentary; Alternative processes; Fine Art
There is no limit in the quantity of images to be submitted, but the minimum is five single image. Any single image can be submitted to one or several categories. Online submitted files should have a resolution of 72 dpi, contestants should be able to provide high resolution files if requested for publication. Image requirements: 8 bit JPEG files in RGB profile, the largest dimension should be 1280 pixels (width or height), resolution of 72 ppi, JPG compression quality of 7 or 8.
* Copyright: Artists are the only owner of the copyright their images. Submitted photographs may be reproduced for the purpose of marketing and promoting WPGA contests and awards for 2 years.
* Eligibility: Open to all photographers worldwide.
* Entry fee: $60($45) for the first 5 images; $10($7) each additional image.
* Entry deadline: Early Bird – 28 Feb 2011; Final – 31 March 2011

winter 2010
